« La Lorica »

In the aquatic environment, an unsuspected multitude of tiny lives drift with the currents... Marvellous treasures of beauty" - marine protozoa, unicellular plants, tiny planktonic organisms, microscopic algae - protists, the ancestors of all plants and animals, are visible to the naked eye in some cases, and through a microscope in others. Elementary structures of life, answering to "sweet" names such as: Radiolaria, Diatoms, Ciliates, Tintinnids..., they populate all aquatic environments, essentially the oceans. These micro-organisms are capable of building all kinds of shells outside their cells: fascinating, infinitesimal architectures made of glass, calcium, strontium or cellulose.

They change appearance to the rhythm of spectacular metamorphoses, swimming, crawling, clinging to a support or floating with the currents... Cycladophora bicornis, Nassellaria, Rhabdonella spiralis... inspired me. I imagine them in a spellbinding aquatic ballet, charged with a strange and mysterious elegance, with spectacular colors and shapes - "La robelle" in its silica dress, "La lanterne enchantée", "La lorica" transparent glass, carried away by the cadence, in a blue effervescence...

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